Why Does My Cat Bite Me And Ways To Stop Your Cat From Biting

you ever had the sweetest night sleep of your life, only to be prematurely woken up by your cat’s sharp teeth?

Yeah… This happens often, and quite frankly, odds are that your cat does not really hate you.

Here are the top 6 reasons why cats bite their owners, in no particular order!

Ever had a playful fight with your cat? Share a funny story in the comments below

Cats will bite their owners for a variety of reasons.

For this exact reason, it is important to understand your cat and what it needs in order to prevent the biting from happening again.

Here are 6 tips you can take with you:

  1. Move away and leave your cat alone for some time!
  2. Give your cat a toy as means of distraction
  3. Give your cat commands and assert dominance (careful here!)
  4. Clap your hands if you see a bite coming
  5. Consider neutering your cat if it gets out of hand
  6. Use positive reinforcement

If you’ve ever had this problem and managed to deal with it, comment below and share how you did it!

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